About the Conference
The GEO BON Open Science Conference and All Hands Meeting 2020 will be a milestone event that will bring together all those involved and interested in the development of Biodiversity Observation Networks and Essential Biodiversity Variables, as well as their potential to support global biodiversity monitoring and conservation post 2020... Read more
Get ready for the launch of the GEO BON OSC/iNaturalist 2020 projects:
Project links and info here
Monday to Friday
06 - 10 July, 2020
Latest news
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Winners of the GEO BON OSC/iNaturalist 2020 projec...
The winners and the runner-ups of our GEO BON OSC/iNaturalist 2020 project have been confirmed.The winners' names in each category are as follows:1. Most Observations:Winner: Sarah BirdRunne...

The detailed program is online!
The detailed program is now available for download!Please see the printer friendly programme here

Book of Abstracts online
The Book of Abstracts is now online available.See Book of Abstracts
Keynote Speakers
Professionals from around the globe

William Cheung
UBC / Canada

Melodie Mc Geoch
Monash University / Australia

Carlo Rondinini
Sapienza University / Italy

Becky Chaplin Kramer
Stanford University / USA

David Cooper
CBD / Canada

Anne Larigauderie
IPBES / Germany

Scott Loarie
iNaturalist / USA
Panel Speakers
Panel Speakers on BON Development

David Obura
CORDIO / Kenya

Aletta Bonn
iDiv / Germany

Haigen Xu
NIES / China

Maria Cecilia Londoño
Humboldt Institute / Colombia

Tom Christensen
Aarhus University / Denmark

Lucy Waruingi
African CS / Kenya
Conference Program
Program published by the GEO BON secretariat
Download Program (07/07/2020): Web | Print-friendly
Download Book of Abstracts | Download Presentations
Monday, 6th July
Chat with other participants with a coffee, tea, beer, wine or cocktail depending on your tastes and/or time zone
Open Science Conference Session 1 (OSC1)
Essential Biodiversity Variables and Ecosystem Services
- Session 1: Ecosystem Function Chair: Pedro Leitao
- Session 3: Ecosystem Structure Chairs: Gary Geller, Ilaria Palumbo & Brian O'Connor
- Session 4: Community Composition Chairs: Simon Ferrier & Wilfried Thuiller
- Session 5: Species Populations Chairs: Melodie Mc Geoch & Walter Jetz
- Session 7: Genetic Composition Chairs: Anna MacDonald, Margaret Hunter & Sean Hoban
Coffee break
Open Science Conference Session 1 (OSC1)
Essential Biodiversity Variables and Ecosystem Services
- Session 1: Ecosystem Function Chair: Pedro Leitao
- Session 3: Ecosystem Structure Chairs: Gary Geller, Ilaria Palumbo & Brian O'Connor
- Session 4: Community Composition Chairs: Simon Ferrier & Wilfried Thuiller
- Session 5: Species Populations Chairs: Melodie Mc Geoch & Walter Jetz
- Session 7: Genetic Composition Chairs: Anna MacDonald, Margaret Hunter & Sean Hoban
Keynote: Policy needs

David Cooper

Anne Larigauderie
Discussion 13:30-14:00

Henrique Pereira

Mike Gill
Open Science Conference Session 2 (OSC2)
Essential Biodiversity Variables and Ecosystem Services
- Session 1: Ecosystem Function Chair: Pedro Leitao
- Session 2: Ecosystem Services Chairs: Ilse Geijzendorffer, Maria Vallejos & Odirilwe Selomane
- Session 3: Ecosystem Structure Chairs: Gary Geller, Ilaria Palumbo & Brian O'Connor
- Session 4: Community Composition Chairs: Simon Ferrier & Wilfried Thuiller
- Session 5: Species Populations Chairs: Melodie Mc Geoch & Walter Jetz
- Session 6: Species Traits Chairs: Jens Kattge & Mark Costello
- Session 7: Genetic Composition Chairs: Anna MacDonald, Margaret Hunter & Sean Hoban
Coffee break
Open Science Conference Session 2 (OSC2)
Essential Biodiversity Variables and Ecosystem Services
- Session 1: Ecosystem Function Chair: Pedro Leitao
- Session 2: Ecosystem Services Chairs: Ilse Geijzendorffer, Maria Vallejos & Odirilwe Selomane
- Session 3: Ecosystem Structure Chairs: Gary Geller, Ilaria Palumbo & Brian O'Connor
- Session 4: Community Composition Chairs: Simon Ferrier & Wilfried Thuiller
- Session 5: Species Populations Chairs: Melodie Mc Geoch & Walter Jetz
- Session 6: Species Traits Chairs: Jens Kattge & Mark Costello
- Session 7: Genetic Composition Chairs: Anna MacDonald, Margaret Hunter & Sean Hoban
GEO BON OSC/iNaturalist Project launch

Scott Loarie
Chat with other participants with a coffee, tea, beer, wine or cocktail depending on your tastes and/or time zone.
Tuesday, 7th July
Chat with other participants with a coffee, tea, beer, wine or cocktail depending on your tastes and/or time zone
Open Science Conference Session 3 (OSC3)
Thematic Biodiversity Observation Networks (BONs), National/Regional BONs and BON Development, Policy Support and EBV Data
- Session 1: Freshwater BON Chairs: Eren Turak & Andreas Bruder
- Joint session 3: BON Development Chairs: Morning Petteri Vihervaara, Afternoon Miguel Fernandez
- Session 4: Policy Support Chairs: Laetitia Navarro & Cornelia Krug
- Session 5: EBV Data Chairs: Nestor Fernandez, Daniel Kissling & Rob Guralnick
- Session 6: Remote Sensing Chairs: Andrew Skidmore & Nicholas Coops
Coffee break
Open Science Conference Session 3 (OSC3)
Thematic Biodiversity Observation Networks (BONs), National/Regional BONs and BON Development, Policy Support and EBV Data
- Session 1: Freshwater BON Chairs: Eren Turak & Andreas Bruder
- Joint session 3: BON Development Chairs: Morning Petteri Vihervaara, Afternoon Miguel Fernandez
- Session 4: Policy Support Chairs: Laetitia Navarro & Cornelia Krug
- Session 5: EBV Data Chairs: Nestor Fernandez, Daniel Kissling & Rob Guralnick
- Session 6: Remote Sensing Chairs: Andrew Skidmore & Nicholas Coops
Project meetings
- EBV2020 #1. Indicators needs for conservation Post-2020; 11:30-12:30
Keynote: EBV and EESV Development

Becky Chaplin-Kramer

William Cheung
Discussion: 14:00-14:30
Plenary Wrap-up:
Open Science Conference Session 4 (OSC4)
Thematic Biodiversity Observation Networks (BONs), National/Regional BONs and BON Development, Policy Support and EBV Data
- Session 1: Freshwater BON Chairs: Eren Turak & Andreas Bruder
- Session 2: Marine BON Chairs: Frank Muller-Karger, Isabel Sousa Pinto & Mark Costello
- Joint session 3: BON Development Chairs: Morning Mike Gill, Afternoon Miguel Fernandez
- Session 4: Policy Support Chairs: Laetitia Navarro & Cornelia Krug
- Session 5: EBV Data Chairs: Nestor Fernandez, Daniel Kissling & Rob Guralnick
Coffee break
Open Science Conference Session 4 (OSC4)
Thematic Biodiversity Observation Networks (BONs), National/Regional BONs and BON Development, Policy Support and EBV Data
- Session 1: Freshwater BON Chairs: Eren Turak & Andreas Bruder
- Session 2: Marine BON Chairs: Frank Muller-Karger, Isabel Sousa Pinto & Mark Costello
- Joint session 3: BON Development Chairs: Morning Mike Gill, Afternoon Miguel Fernandez
- Session 4: Policy Support Chairs: Laetitia Navarro & Cornelia Krug
- Session 5: EBV Data Chairs: Nestor Fernandez, Daniel Kissling & Rob Guralnick
Demo of EBV Portal
Poster Session 1
Chat with other participants with a coffee, tea, beer, wine or cocktail depending on your tastes and/or time zone.
Wednesday, 8th July
Chat with other participants with a coffee, tea, beer, wine or cocktail depending on your tastes and/or time zone
All Hands Meetings
- Conservation genetics networks and policy Chairs: Anna MacDonald and Sarah Pearson
- Next-generation technologies for monitoring community-composition EBVs Chairs: Wilfried Thuiller and Simon Ferrier
Coffee break
All Hands Meetings
- What makes a good genetic EBV dataset? Chairs: Catherine Grueber and Anna MacDonald
- Next-generation technologies for monitoring community-composition EBVs Chairs: Wilfried Thuiller and Simon Ferrier
- Ecosystem Structure EBV Working Group All Hands Chair: Brian O'Connor, 10:00-12:00
Project meetings
- EBV2020 #2. EBV-derived indicators for conservation Post-2020; 11:30-12:45
- Tracking freshwater biodiversity change in Islands of the South Pacific
- GlobDiversity – the development and engineering of remote sensing enabled Essential Biodiversity Variables
Panel Panel discussion on BON Development

David Obura

Aletta Bonn

Haigen Xu

Maria Cecilia Londono

Tom Christensen

Luci Waruingi
Plenary Wrap-up:
All Hands Meetings
- Monitoring Ecosystem Services: From local to global 16:00 - 18:30
- Conservation genetics networks and policy Chairs: Sean Hoban & Maggie Hunter
- Ecosystem Structure EBV Working Group All Hands Chair: Brian O'Connor, 10:00-12:00
Coffee break
All Hands Meetings
- Monitoring Ecosystem Services From local to global, 16:00 - 18:30
- What makes a good genetic EBV dataset? Chairs: Sean Hoban & Maggie Hunter
Project meetings
- EBV2020 #3. EBV- or EESV-derived indicators for conservation Post-2020; 19:00-21:00
- CBMP Freshwater Products
- TAO, the Tropical Andes Observatory 19:00-21:00
Chat with other participants with a coffee, tea, beer, wine or cocktail depending on your tastes and/or time zone.
All Hands Meeting
Species Populations Working Group Meeting Chairs: Walter Jetz and Melodie Mc Geoch
Thursday, 9th July
Chat with other participants with a coffee, tea, beer, wine or cocktail depending on your tastes and/or time zone
All Hands Meetings
- FWBON Session 1 Introduction to FWBON. The past, the present, the people
Coffee break
All Hands Meetings
- FWBON Session 2 Activities: 1) What we are doing now 2) What we planning to do 3) New ideas
- BON Development Session 1 Chair: Petteri, 10h to 11h30
Poster Session
Keynote EBVs and EESVs for policy

Melodie Mc Geoch

Carlo Rondinini
IC Meeting
All Hands Meetings
- MBON/FWBON joint session 4: Darwin Core + OBIS & Case studies
- 16:00-16:05 - Opening of the session
- 16:05-16:25 - More than the sum of its parts: The rationale for using Darwin Core to integrate biological observations. Abby Benson. U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, CO, United States. (15 minutes talk + 5 minutes QA)
- 16:25- 16:40 - Introduction to the Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS). Ward Appeltans. Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO, Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS) (10 minutes talk + 5 minutes QA)
- 16:40-16:55 - Building products and applications on OBIS. Pieter Provoost. Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO, Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS) (10 minutes talk + 5 minutes QA)
- 16:55-17:10 - Implementing best practices in a continental scale Marine Biodiversity Observing Network - MBON Pole to Pole. Enrique Montes. Institute for Marine Remote Sensing. College of Marine Science. University of South Florida. USA. (10 minutes talk + 5 minutes QA)
- 17:10-17:15 – Discussion
Coffee break
All Hands Meetings
- FWBON Session 4: Connecting people and activities for the next two years
- BON Development Session 2 Co-chaired by Maria Cecilia Londoño & Mike Gill 17:45-19:00
Microsoft AI for Earth Presentation

Dan Morris
Chat with other participants with a coffee, tea, beer, wine or cocktail depending on your tastes and/or time zone.
Friday, 10th July
All Hands Meetings
- EBV-Data Workshop I: Developing standards and an infrastructure for the Essential Biodiversity Variables. Chair: Néstor Fernández
Coffee break
All Hands Meetings
- EBV-Data Workshop I: Developing standards and an infrastructure for the Essential Biodiversity Variables. Chair: Néstor Fernández
Wrap up by all WGs and BONs Closing remarks
Closing Remarks & 10 min. presentation by new GEO BON co-chair (TBC)
All Hands Meetings
- Policy Support AH Meeting: EBVs, EESVs and BONs in support of Policies post-2020: meeting of the GEO BON Policy Task Force. Chairs: Laetitia Navarro and Cornelia Krug. Start Time: 16h30 - end time ±19h
- EBV-Data Workshop II: Addressing gaps in mobilizing in-situ monitoring data. Chair: Robert Guralnick
Coffee break
All Hands Meetings
- Policy Support AH Meeting: EBVs, EESVs and BONs in support of Policies post-2020: meeting of the GEO BON Policy Task Force. Chairs: Laetitia Navarro and Cornelia Krug. Start Time: 16h30 - end time ±19h
- EBV-Data Workshop II: Addressing gaps in mobilizing in-situ monitoring data. Chair: Robert Guralnick
Members of the Organizing and Scientific Committee
Organizing Committee
Henrique Miguel Pereira GEO BON Co-Chair Mike Gill GEO BON Co-Chair Gary Geller NASA Ecological Forecasting Program Laetitia Navarro GEO BON Executive Secretary Christian Langer GEO BON IT Officer Nestor Fernandez Biodiversity Scientist HyeJin Kim Biodiversity Scientist Karolin Dietrich GEO BON Administrative Assistant Laura Catalina Quintero Uribe Doctoral Researcher Jessica Junker Postdoc Annika Zuleger GEO BON Research Assistant -
Scientific Committee
Name Institution Country Capacity Andreas Bruder University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland Switzerland Freshwater BON Tom Christensen Aarhus University Denmark Arctic BON Brian O'Connor Mott MacDonald UK Ecosystem Structure WG Mark Costello University of Auckland New Zealand Marine BON, Species Traits WG Nicholas Coops The University of British Columbia Canada Remote Sensing TF Jean-Denis Vigne National Museum of Natural History (MNHN) France French BON Yvan Le Bras National Museum of Natural History (MNHN) France French BON Simon Ferrier CSIRO Australia Community Composition WG, EBV Development TF Ilse Geijzendorffer Tour du Valat France Ecosystem Services WG Carlos Guerra iDiv Germany Soil BON Sean Hoban Morton Arboretum USA Genetic Composition WG Margaret Hunter U.S. Geological Survey USA Genetic Composition WG Walter Jetz Yale University USA Species Populations WG Jens Kattge Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry Germany Species Traits WG Anna MacDonald Australian National University Australia Genetic Composition WG Melodie McGeoch Monash University Australia Species Populations WG Robert Guralnick University of Florida USA Data TF Frank Muller-Karger University of South Florida USA Marine BON Eun-Shik Kim Kookmin University, Seoul South Korea AP BON Daniel Kissling University of Amsterdam The Netherlands Coordinator GLOBIS-B, Data TF Pedro J. Leitão Technische Universität Braunschweig Germany Ecosystem Function WG Maria Cecilia Londoño Alexander von Humboldt Institute Colombia Colombia Colombia BON, BON Development WG Ilaria Palumbo Joint Research Centre Italy Ecosystem Structure WG Isabel Sousa Pinto University of Porto Portugal Marine BON Michael Schaepman University of Zurich Switzerland Coordinator BioDiscovery & GlobDiversity Ghada El Serafy DELTARES Netherlands Ecosystem Function WG, Coordinator ECOPOTENTIAL Odirilwe Selomane University of Stockholm Sweden Ecosystem Services WG Andrew Skidmore University of Twente The Netherlands Remote Sensing TF Wilfried Thuiller University Grenoble Alpes France Community Composition WG Eren Turak Office of Environment & Heritage Australia Freshwater BON Maria Vallejos University of Buenos Aires Argentinia Ecosystem Services WG Sheila Vergara University of the Philippines Los Baños Philippines AP BON Petteri Vihervaara Finnish Environment Institute, Helsinki Finland BON Development WG Diana Wall Colorado State University USA Soil BON Haigen Xu Nanjing Institute of Environmental Sciences China China BON Tetsukazu Yahara Kyushu University Japan AP BON
GEO BON Newsletter
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For general enquiries, please use the contact address or form below
German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-LeipzigDeutscher Platz 5e
04103 Leipzig, GERMANY
Phone Number
The GEO BON Open Science Conference 2020 is funded by